The Last Lecture of a Lifetime: Confronting Brick Walls
At times during the Holiday Season, and certainly at other times as well, we can benefit from looking beyond ourselves and personal circumstances. I stumbled upon something that I think is truly fascinating. If you have ever confronted a brick wall, or even if you have not, this is a must see!
Please review Jeff Zaslow's moving account in the “Wall Street Journal” of 46-year-old Carnegie-Mellon professor Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture". I will not spoil it by making additional comments. I leave that to you! Professor Pausch gives a fascinating lecture, filled with humor and psychological wisdom, about what he has learned from life. Trust me; this is no ordinary lecture, and this is no ordinary professor. If this doesn’t stimulate your thinking, have someone check your pulse!
I enthusiastically recommend watching the complete video of his presentation. The link to the Google video is:
If like me, you find yourself wanting to learn more about this Professor Pausch after watching the video, view his home page at:
All comments welcome....
Friday, December 28, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Do you really need those antibiotics?
In 2007 there were two important studies published that should make all of us think twice about when we REALLY need to take antibiotics. In early December there was a study published in one of the premier medical journals, in which they found that routine antibiotics do not seem to speed the recovery from an uncomplicated sinus infection. Even though more than 90% of the doctors in the US will prescribe antibiotics for sinusitis, it is unclear whether they really help. This study confirmed earlier studies and found that about one-half of the people were better in one week and two out of three people were better in ten days, regardless of whether they took an antibiotic. Interestingly, nasal steroids sprays which are also often prescribed, did not seem to help much either.
Another important update came from the American Heart Association which updated its recommendations for when to give preventive (prophylactic) antibiotics to prevent heart infections. In the past, they recommended that hundreds of thousands of people with all sorts of fairly minor heart problems and heart murmurs should take a big dose of antibiotics before dental work, or certain urinary or gastrointestinal procedures, such as the use of scopes to look in the colon or the bladder. This was thought to be important in order to prevent serious infection of the heart valves (endocarditis). Earlier this year, these experts looked at all the scientific data and concluded that only a small portion of these people really needed the antibiotics. If you want to find out which groups of people need the antibiotics, go to where you can also download a handy wallet card.
Unnecessary use of antibiotics clearly leads to increasing bacterial resistance as well as risks of allergies, potential side-effects, unneeded cost, etc. Many doctors will prescribe antibiotics even when they think that the clinical situation does not call for it because they think the patient really wants the medicines and will insist. Often antibiotics are essential and life-saving, but the next time your doctor recommends antibiotics, especially in cases of sinusitis or for prevention of heart valve infection, it may be reasonable to ask the doctor, “Do I really NEED that antibiotic?”.
Another important update came from the American Heart Association which updated its recommendations for when to give preventive (prophylactic) antibiotics to prevent heart infections. In the past, they recommended that hundreds of thousands of people with all sorts of fairly minor heart problems and heart murmurs should take a big dose of antibiotics before dental work, or certain urinary or gastrointestinal procedures, such as the use of scopes to look in the colon or the bladder. This was thought to be important in order to prevent serious infection of the heart valves (endocarditis). Earlier this year, these experts looked at all the scientific data and concluded that only a small portion of these people really needed the antibiotics. If you want to find out which groups of people need the antibiotics, go to where you can also download a handy wallet card.
Unnecessary use of antibiotics clearly leads to increasing bacterial resistance as well as risks of allergies, potential side-effects, unneeded cost, etc. Many doctors will prescribe antibiotics even when they think that the clinical situation does not call for it because they think the patient really wants the medicines and will insist. Often antibiotics are essential and life-saving, but the next time your doctor recommends antibiotics, especially in cases of sinusitis or for prevention of heart valve infection, it may be reasonable to ask the doctor, “Do I really NEED that antibiotic?”.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Suicide: The Myth of the Holiday Season
Suicide: The Darkest Myth of the Holiday Season Remains Alive and Well!
Several folks have been asking me about Holiday-related stress, and I have recently heard this reported on the national news, so I want to take the opportunity to clear up a popular myth that surfaces this time of the year. Perhaps it was dear George Bailey from the great movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" who started all of this. Who knows, but this myth resurfaces about this time every year.
Certainly, one can feel a great deal of stress and chaos around the Holidays. As mentioned in an earlier blog, Interpersonal and Domestic violence does increase around the Holiday Season. However, contrary to what you may hear or have read, there is good news here: Depression and suicide rates significantly decrease during this time of the year.
This finding is not just in the United States, but all over most parts of the world. A large body of psychological science continues to confirm this. For a number of years, I often have worked in inpatient psychiatric hospitals during the Holiday Season, and always this is the time of lowest census for the entire year. Although this can be a blue time of the year for many, for most people it is not as bad, and certainly not as depressing as we may have learned to expect.
Please, if you are battling with depression or suicidal thoughts, seek help right away, or continue with the help that you are getting. Don't keep it a secret. The fact is that there is NEVER a good Season for Depression!
Healthy and Holiday Cheers to All!
Comments Welcome.
Several folks have been asking me about Holiday-related stress, and I have recently heard this reported on the national news, so I want to take the opportunity to clear up a popular myth that surfaces this time of the year. Perhaps it was dear George Bailey from the great movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" who started all of this. Who knows, but this myth resurfaces about this time every year.
Certainly, one can feel a great deal of stress and chaos around the Holidays. As mentioned in an earlier blog, Interpersonal and Domestic violence does increase around the Holiday Season. However, contrary to what you may hear or have read, there is good news here: Depression and suicide rates significantly decrease during this time of the year.
This finding is not just in the United States, but all over most parts of the world. A large body of psychological science continues to confirm this. For a number of years, I often have worked in inpatient psychiatric hospitals during the Holiday Season, and always this is the time of lowest census for the entire year. Although this can be a blue time of the year for many, for most people it is not as bad, and certainly not as depressing as we may have learned to expect.
Please, if you are battling with depression or suicidal thoughts, seek help right away, or continue with the help that you are getting. Don't keep it a secret. The fact is that there is NEVER a good Season for Depression!
Healthy and Holiday Cheers to All!
Comments Welcome.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Management of Chronic Angina
For those of you who've been diagnosed with so-called "chronic angina" or stable chest pain that it attributed to mild to moderate heart disease, medical management has become a preferred strategy. Accordingly, be sure that your treatments are optimal. The following points are taken from recently updated guidelines, include both medications and lifestyle techniques, and are to be used long term.
1. Know Your Blood Pressure:
Blood pressure control should target levels at least below <140/90 (<130/80 for patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease) and preferentially less than 120/80 for all patients. Patients should be treated with the following blood pressure medications whenever possible: beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, with the addition of other drugs like diuretics (such as HCTZ or chlorthalidone), if possible, and calcium blockers, if needed.
2. Take aspirin:
Aspirin should be taken daily at 81 mg (or 162 mg post CABG), preferably uncoated, unless there is a contraindication.
3. Exercise:
Daily physical activity is recommended for all patients. It should consist of 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity like walking or swimming; additional resistance training 2 days per week is reasonable.
4.Know your Cholesterol Panel:
For LDL-cholesterol reduction, it is reasonable to aim for levels of <70 mg/dL and to use high-dose statin therapy, as we've discussed here on the Blog previously. Metamusil (pysllium) and plant sterol supplements are also helpful. For non-HDL (the total minus the good kind) and HDL (the good kind) optimization, niacin and fibrates (like Tricor) can be useful medication additions along with exercise, monosaturated oils (like olive oil), fish and fish oils, and nuts from trees (the edible kind - not the human kind).
5. Know your Ejection Fraction (EF):
This is tested via echocardiogram. In the absence of significant kidney dysfunction or high potassium, post-heart attack patients with an ejection fraction <40% and either diabetes or heart failure should receive an aldosterone inhibitor (like Aldactone) in addition to therapeutic doses of an ACE inhibitor and a beta-blocker.
6. Know your BMI:
It should be between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2
7. Know your Waist Size:
It should be less than 35 (women) or less than 40 (men).
8. Don't smoke. Period.
9. All patients with heart disease should receive an annual influenza vaccination.
10. Chelation therapy may cause low calcium levels and is not recommended for patients with heart disease.
Review these recommendations against your current medication list and lifestyle plan. If you're not taking these medications or achieving these lifestyle goals, ask your doctor why not.
1. Know Your Blood Pressure:
Blood pressure control should target levels at least below <140/90 (<130/80 for patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease) and preferentially less than 120/80 for all patients. Patients should be treated with the following blood pressure medications whenever possible: beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, with the addition of other drugs like diuretics (such as HCTZ or chlorthalidone), if possible, and calcium blockers, if needed.
2. Take aspirin:
Aspirin should be taken daily at 81 mg (or 162 mg post CABG), preferably uncoated, unless there is a contraindication.
3. Exercise:
Daily physical activity is recommended for all patients. It should consist of 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity like walking or swimming; additional resistance training 2 days per week is reasonable.
4.Know your Cholesterol Panel:
For LDL-cholesterol reduction, it is reasonable to aim for levels of <70 mg/dL and to use high-dose statin therapy, as we've discussed here on the Blog previously. Metamusil (pysllium) and plant sterol supplements are also helpful. For non-HDL (the total minus the good kind) and HDL (the good kind) optimization, niacin and fibrates (like Tricor) can be useful medication additions along with exercise, monosaturated oils (like olive oil), fish and fish oils, and nuts from trees (the edible kind - not the human kind).
5. Know your Ejection Fraction (EF):
This is tested via echocardiogram. In the absence of significant kidney dysfunction or high potassium, post-heart attack patients with an ejection fraction <40% and either diabetes or heart failure should receive an aldosterone inhibitor (like Aldactone) in addition to therapeutic doses of an ACE inhibitor and a beta-blocker.
6. Know your BMI:
It should be between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2
7. Know your Waist Size:
It should be less than 35 (women) or less than 40 (men).
8. Don't smoke. Period.
9. All patients with heart disease should receive an annual influenza vaccination.
10. Chelation therapy may cause low calcium levels and is not recommended for patients with heart disease.
Review these recommendations against your current medication list and lifestyle plan. If you're not taking these medications or achieving these lifestyle goals, ask your doctor why not.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Fasting Is Good for You
As someone raised in a religious family, I have always been fascinated by fasting. It played such an important role in the Bible. I also grew up in the 60s and fasting was a popular way of protesting. In medicine, little credit has been given to fasting, yet it is a way for type 2 overweight diabetics to get their blood sugars down, and fasting is one way to lose weight (live off your body for a day, staying hydrated with water).
The Associated Press today reports on a study by Intermountain Healthcare in Utah that showed that Mormons who fasted once a month had 40% less chance of being diagnosed with clogged arteries, and had fewer heart attacks.
Consider fasting if you are overweight. Check with you physician to find out which medicines you should take during your fast and which you should not. Remember to drink water, so your body can continue its functions and excrete the breakdown products of living off your stored fat. Say somewhat active so your muscles (body protein) gets maintained.
Fasting is not easy, and I think it builds your willpower and personal strength.
The Associated Press today reports on a study by Intermountain Healthcare in Utah that showed that Mormons who fasted once a month had 40% less chance of being diagnosed with clogged arteries, and had fewer heart attacks.
Consider fasting if you are overweight. Check with you physician to find out which medicines you should take during your fast and which you should not. Remember to drink water, so your body can continue its functions and excrete the breakdown products of living off your stored fat. Say somewhat active so your muscles (body protein) gets maintained.
Fasting is not easy, and I think it builds your willpower and personal strength.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Exercise Yourself to Sleep
Occasionally, after a vigorous workout you’ll hear someone say, “I’ll sleep well tonight”. Without a doubt, I have found that I don’t sleep as well on days that I am not able to exercise. But what does the literature have to say about this phenomenon of “exercising yourself to sleep”?
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association examined the impact of moderate exercise on sleep quality in older adults with moderate sleep-related complaints. In this study, 43 men and women between the ages of 50 and 76 were split into two groups. One group exercised moderately (30- to 40-minute aerobics classes four times a week) for 16 weeks, while the other group made no changes to their lifestyles. After 16 weeks, the exercisers showed improvement over the control group in general quality of sleep, quicker sleep-onset, longer sleep duration and feeling rested in the morning
Another study conducted at Tufts University took 32, “slightly to moderately depressed” elderly men and women and assigned them to an exercise group or a control group. The exercise group performed three strength training sessions each week. At the end of the 10 week study the exercise group reported not only significant improvement in sleep quality over the control group, but improvement in quality of life also.
Women who have gone through menopause are noted to be at higher risk for sleep problems. Researchers have found that postmenopausal women who performed moderate-intensity exercise for at least a half-hour every morning had fewer problems falling asleep compared to less active women.
Relatively few research studies have looked at the impact of exercise on insomnia. The ones that have support the premise that exercise improves sleep patterns, primarily by increasing total sleep time and decreasing sleep latency. To maximize the benefit of exercise, it appears that the duration of exercise is more important than its intensity. Also, it is preferable that exercise occur 5 to 6 hours (minimum of 3 hours) before bedtime.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Youngsters Under 60: Save Yourselves!
Most Americans know that we have made much progress in decreasing rates of heart attack in recent decades. Indeed, modern insights and medicines have produced an overall 50% decrease in heart attack deaths since 1980. Are we, however, maintaining that decrease appropriately in more recent years. Recent data say "NO."
Specifically, among men between 35-54, the annual decrease in heart attack deaths has slowed from 6.2% (1980 to 1989) to 2.3% (1989 to 2000) to 0.5% (2000 to 2002). Among women age 35-54, the decline was 5.4% from 1980 to 1989 and 1.2% from 1989 to 2000. From 2000 to 2002, however, the estimated death rate increased to 1.5% annually. By contrast, for men and women 55 and older, the rate of decrease accelerated comfortably with time.
Overall then, modern preventative cardiology is working for older patients; for the young, however, especially young women, we need to pay more attention. Loyal Bloggers know what preventative steps to take from our prior posts - so spread the word so that the young can stay "young at heart."
Specifically, among men between 35-54, the annual decrease in heart attack deaths has slowed from 6.2% (1980 to 1989) to 2.3% (1989 to 2000) to 0.5% (2000 to 2002). Among women age 35-54, the decline was 5.4% from 1980 to 1989 and 1.2% from 1989 to 2000. From 2000 to 2002, however, the estimated death rate increased to 1.5% annually. By contrast, for men and women 55 and older, the rate of decrease accelerated comfortably with time.
Overall then, modern preventative cardiology is working for older patients; for the young, however, especially young women, we need to pay more attention. Loyal Bloggers know what preventative steps to take from our prior posts - so spread the word so that the young can stay "young at heart."
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